<TITLE>Put Some Colors Into The Text</TITLE>

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
<!-- Start hiding
var i

function ColoredText() {
var argLen = ColoredText.arguments.length;
if (argLen == 0)
{argLen = 1}

var text = ColoredText.arguments[0];
var textLen = ColoredText.arguments[0].length;
var defClrsArray = new Array("red","purple","cyan","green","blue","magenta"); //default colors, change as needed

for (i=0; i<textLen; i++) {
charColor = text.charAt(i);

if (argLen == 1)
colorCode = Math.floor(Math.random() * defClrsArray.length);
tempStr = charColor.fontcolor(defClrsArray[colorCode])

colorCode = i % (argLen - 1);
tempStr = charColor.fontcolor(ColoredText.arguments[colorCode+1])
// Stop hiding -->


<BODY bgcolor="ffffcc">

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>

<!-- Start hiding

ColoredText("This is a text sample written using the function ColoredText");

document.write ("<BR>")

ColoredText("Another text sample, this time only with red and orange repeatedly","red","orange");

document.write ("<BR><H1>")

ColoredText("Another sample with shades of green","#006000","#007000","#008000","#009000","#00A000","#00B000");

document.write ("</H1><BR><BR><CENTER><FONT FACE=courier SIZE=+2>")

ColoredText("Try refreshing the page a couple of times!");

document.write ("</FONT></CENTER>")

// Stop hiding -->