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McLean Bus Rules

McLean Bus Rules

Conduct yourself in an appropriate manner at the bus stop and while on the bus. Arrive five minutes before the scheduled pick-up and drop off.

Please follow directions. Stay on the sidewalk while waiting for the bus, wait in a orderly line. Do not approach the bus until it has come to a complete stop.

When the bus door opens, board the bus in a safe and orderly manner, proceed directly to a seat assigned to you and remain there until the bus arrives at the school; seats must be shared.

Keep your hands and arms inside the bus at all times, do not throw anything out of the windows. Do not yell out the windows or converse with passing cars or buses.

Keep the bus aisle clear; this includes yourself, book bags, musical instruments, sport items and anything else that cause obstruction to the rear window.

Please do not damage anything on the bus; sit down correctly and do not put your feet on the seats. Please do not change seats while the bus is in motion.

Speak in a conversational voice, inappropriate language is not welcome on the bus. Please do not interrupt the operator whenever he or she calls someone’s attention. Ride only the bus to which you were assigned.

Eating, chewing gum or candy and drinking on the bus is prohibited at all times. Please don’t do it.

You must remove all property items and papers on departing the bus. We cannot be responsible for lost articles.

Report any safety issues or incidents to bus operator and /or front desk.

Please remember; riding the school bus is a privilege, don’t lose it !